The North Carolina Bandmasters Association maintains a list for its Music Performance Assessment (MPA) events. The list can be found here. New additions to the list can be found here.
From the NC Bandmasters website:
How to Submit a Piece of Music for the MPA Music List:
- Obtain a score for the piece you would like to recommend.
- Completely fill out the recommendation form. The more information you can provide on the piece the better!
- Submit both the score and recommendation form to your representative.
- The score will be returned to you via your representative by your spring meeting.
- Forms and scores may be submitted to your district representative or use the link below to submit electronically. [To submit a work for consideration, use this Google form.]
Important Deadline: Deadline to submit music to be considered at the Fall MPA Meeting is November 1, 2013[sic]. Please note that the committee only adds new pieces in the fall (no deletions or changes of grade level).
The association provides a document that lists grade level descriptors as well as rubrics for music Grades 1-6.
The rubric for music Grades 1, 2, and 3 can be found here.
The rubric for music Grades 4, 5 and 6 can be found here.