
To view the Alabama Bandmasters Association Cumulative Music List, click here. The ABA also has a mechanism for directors to perform a piece not on the Cumulative Music List–click here to access that form.

To add music to the ABA Cumulative Music List, please read the following from the ABA Bylaws: 

Article X. Standing Committees

Section 1.
A Music Selection Committee will be appointed by the Vice-President, who shall be the Chairman of the Committee, made up of
one representative from the following: Class AA; A; BB; B; CC; C; D-EE; F-G. The President of the ABA shall be an ex-officio member.

a. Members will be appointed on a rotating basis for a four-year term. The Vice-President will appoint replacements for two auto-
matic vacancies each year and the Board may declare any additional vacancies, such vacancies to be filled for the remainder of

the term.
b. The Vice-President will appoint a committee member to act as a sub-chairman of the Music Selection Committee.

c. The Vice-President and the sub-chairman will procure scores from publishers and music houses. Where possible, recordings and
tapes should be made available for study by the committee.

d. Meetings will be held in a non-commercial location.

e. Meetings will be held in the summer as a one-day session. Additional meetings will be called by the Vice-President if necessary.

f. Members-at-large who wish to recommend compositions for the Cumulative List should send scores to the Vice-President prior to
the committee meeting.

g. The Music Selection Committee shall compile and revise periodically a Cumulative List for each classification. All literature that is
approved to be played at the Alabama Bandmasters Music Performance Assessment will automatically be brought before the
Music Selection Committee for addition to the Cumulative List.